Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cale standing up

My brother and his family came in for a surprise visit from Japan 2 weeks ago. On their first day here we were all sitting in Cale's room letting the boys play when all of a sudden Cale stood up! I was so happy, proud, excited, and shocked all at the same time! So of course I had to run and get the video camera.
So I turned it on and started filming.....but you guesses it....he wouldn't stand up! As soon as I turned it off, he stood up! Little turkey! So I started recording again until he finally did it again. Lucky for you, I edited the video before I uploaded it! I think Caleb was just as happy about Cale standing as we were!!!

Cale on the phone :)

Cale loves the phone! So when Bryan got a new phone, we gave Cale his old one. A couple of nights ago he was just a jabbering so I took some video of him! Enjoy :)

Catching Up!

It has been forever....I know! But we are still alive! Just extremely busy!

Bryan and I have both started back to work. That was not easy, but my body is slowly adjusting. It has been a week full of learning for me. I moved from teaching 5th grade last year to teaching 2nd grade this year. Talk about a big change! I am getting more comfortable with my new grade and I will get it all figured out soon enough.

Bryan is teaching PE and world history this year. He is also coaching football. They had their first game last night so it was just Cale and I at home. I took the opportunity to write my first of many papers! Yes you read that correctly. Along with changing grades at school and being a mommy, I have decided to get my masters!

Our county has teamed up with UNF to form a cohort. That basically just means that they are coming to our county to teach our classes. It is a 2 year program and is currently being held in Yulee (25 mins from home). They mentioned that after the first semester they may move it to a different part of the county depending on where the majority of people in the cohort live. We are hoping they will move it to our side! I am going to class 2 nights a week. We are so thankful to have parents that are willing to help us out! My mom is going to keep Cale on mondays for us. And Bryan's mom is going to keep him on wednesdays. Once football is over, Bryan will be able to get him, but for right now it is 7-7:30 before he gets home.

We enough about us, lets talk about Cale. My baby boy is growing up too fast!!!! He is talking more than ever. He can say, momma, daddy, ball, bye-bye, juice, ball, Bam Bam (Brett's dog), vroom vroom for any vehicle, woof woof for any dog, and plus a lot of jibber jabber that I cant understand :) He is growing so fast. He is not walking yet, but he will stand up by himself. He is getting pretty good at getting his balance, so I am sure that it wont be long. I am not pushing him because I know once he starts, it is all over!

Now that I am back to work, I have really tried to get back into the routine of cooking several nights a week. Not only does it save us money from eating out, but it also gives us lunches to take to work. While I was attempting to unload the dishwasher the other night, Cale decided he would help! And me being the mom that I am, instead of getting him out....I ran to get the camera. He loved it! His job was the silverware. And most of them got any extra rinse :) He just had to put them in his mouth! He is learning how to use his fork and spoon at dinner, so he was just practicing what momma has been teaching him!

For all of your recipe sharers out there....I have a few to share. I will try to get them posted soon. As for me, I am going to do my best to get back to posting on a more consistent basis!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cake Monster!

I have to first say thank you to Kristi for the pictures! She tried several times this week to email them to me, but the file was too big and it wouldn't go through. So she saved them to a disc and brought them to me this morning :) Now I feel bad for being so impatient!

There were a lot of pictures to choose from, but I mostly wanted to share the cake pictures. My man loves to eat!!!! And he loves sweets! So this was right up his alley!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cale's Party

I was trying to wait until I got all the pictures before I posted this, but I am tired of waiting. Being the mom at the party, you are too involved to take pictures. Nana took some for me on my camera, but I am waiting to get some more from others that were at the party that have promised to send them.

The party started off with lots of food. Then we moved into presents and finally CAKE! The kids all played well and I think everyone had a good time!

Cale LOVED his cake. He was into it before I could even set it down on his tray. I didn't get many pictures on my camera. Like I said, I am waiting to get them from friends.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I know I have been a slacker lately!!! But I have a really good excuse :) Last week was CRAZY!!! It was like a sickness roller coaster ride. Thankfully I am feeling much better and will catch up on my blog soon. I know you are all waiting for pictures of the party and that will be my first post!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome Trevor Mason

I am very proud to welcome the newest addition to our family...Trevor Mason Singley!

Trevor made his grand entrance yesterday at 8:19 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. After a VERY QUICK labor, both Mommy and Trevor are doing great.

I say very quick, because it is one of the fastest deliveries I have ever heard of. After some back pains and consistent contractions for about an hour, Jason and Jenny decided it was time to make their way to the hospital. We got the call that they were going, but were going to wait until they got there and found out exactly how far along she was before we decided to leave.

No too long after the first call, my mom called and said that she was just checked and was 7 cm dilated and her water had broken. So much for me being able to get a shower before we left! We immediately loaded up (leaving Cale at his Granny and Papa's) and were on our way to the hospital.

From the time the put her in the bed, it took a whole 12 minutes to have the baby! He was here long before we made it to the hospital! But I told Jason that he could not announce what it was (they didn't find out) until we made it there. They waited on us and we found out it was a BOY! They still had not picked out a name because they wanted to get to know him a little bit first. So we all stayed in the waiting room while they spent some time together as a family and while Trevor got to feed.

Finally we made it in to see him! He is beautiful and looks a lot like his big brother Brody :)

Congratulations Jason and Jenny! We are very happy for you!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cale's Birthday Cakes

I am very proud of the way both of my cakes turned out!!!! They were a hit because they were both gobbled up!

More party pics to come later......

Birthday Boy!

It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since we first welcomed our little man into the world! He is such a joy and pleasure and has brought so much happiness into our lives. They grow way too fast! Our baby is no longer a baby....he is a one-year-old!

We took him yesterday on his actual birthday and had his pictures made. They turned out great! Here are just a few of the many we had to pick from!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!