Sunday, April 11, 2010

First Zoo Trip

Over Spring Break we took our first trip to the zoo. I was a little nervous about how Cale would react. He loves animals in books, but is scared of them up close. I was hoping that he would be fine since most of the animals are far off. He was a trooper and did great!

He was leaning over to see the giraffe. There were a lot of people at the giraffes and he just wanted to see, so Bryan got him out and held him up.

"Cheese!" He is good at saying it, but not always looking at the camera!

I love this one!

He wanted to ride the merry-go-round, so we paid and Bryan took him on, but he wouldn't sit on any of the animals!

His favorite part of the day....the TRAIN!!!! He is obsessed with trains!

I am so glad that he loved it. We bought a membership and plan to make many more trips in the future!

Easter Recap

Warning....This post contains A LOT of Pictures!!!

Easter weekend was a very busy and fun weekend for us. My sister-in-law Jessica, and nephew Caleb, spent the weekend with us. They came out on Friday afternoon and it was fun to see the boys play so well together. They live in Japan, so we don't get to see them very often. Last time we saw them, Cale was just starting to stand up by himself. Anyway, back to Easter. We started our weekend by decorating cupcakes with jellybeans and coloring eggs on Friday night. Cale was a trip! He would put the jellybeans on the cupcake and then take it off and lick the icing, and then he would try and put it back on the cupcake! I think that he ate more than he put on the cupcakes :) Then when we moved on to the eggs, he kept saying "egg bath". He thought the eggs were taking a bath, which make since because we were putting them in little tubs of colored water!

The finished product.

Our next adventure was Saturday morning at our church's annual egg hunt. They have it at a local farm. Cale loves animals in theory and in books, but as soon as we walked up to the barn door, he was crying! So needless to say, we did not go in and see the animals. However, Caleb and Jessica did. Cale was very uneasy until they came out of the barn!
After the animals, we ate, went on a hayride, and then heard the Easter story. Lastly, it was time to hunt eggs! Cale was funny. It took him just a minute to catch on, but then he was ready to go!

Here is Caleb with all his eggs! Cale wouldn't stand still for a picture :)

Trying to get a picture of the boys, but Cale wouldn't stand still!

After the church egg hunt, we stopped through the drive thru and hit the road towards Green Cove Springs, to my Aunt Joyce's house for our family reunion and another egg hunt. The boys lasted through lunch and about half of the hour plus trip before they both crashed!
This time around for the egg hunt, Cale took the lazy route! He climb up in the car and made Bryan push him around to the eggs :)

After the egg hunt we got Granny together with all of her great grand kids.
Granny and Cale, Trevor, and Conner.

Sunday morning the Easter Bunny left presents at our house.
Can you tell that he was excited? His cars made noise and he loved that!
Sweet boy!

After breakfast, we all got ready and headed to church. After a great service at church, we all went to Bryan's parents for lunch. We took pictures outside first, but Cale wanted no part of it. He was fine as long as he could get down and play, but he did not want to be held.
He is growing up too fast!

Our attempt at a family picture. Cale was not having it!
Cale and Caleb. Again Cale wanted no part of it! He is very stubborn!
After lunch there were more Easter baskets to open from Granny and Papa and from Aunt Valerie and Uncle Wayne. I told them when he gets older they are going to have to knock it off because they bring better presents than the Easter Bunny!

Then it was time for another egg hunt. By this time, Cale had the hang of it!

To wrap up an already great weekend, we had my family over Sunday evening for homemade pizza! Nana and Poppy brought more Easter baskets! At least I know that my child is loved!
I was really looking forward to this Easter and it did not disappoint!

My 2 Boys!

Cale some how got to my camera one night. Bryan caught him with it and this is was came out of the whole ordeal :)