Happy father's day out there to any Dad's that read our blog (I can only think of one or two!).
Today was a bittersweet day for me. It included many firsts....some I looked forward to, and some that I
*This was the first Father's Day without my Dad. I have been overwhelmed this whole past year with thoughts of him. There is not a day that goes by that I
don't think about him. I knew this would be a tough week, because Thursday was one year since he has been gone. I can remember that day like it just happened. It is crazy the details your brain remembers. So I have had a double whammy of a week, but with God's grace and mercy, I have survived!
*On a happier note....today was Bryan's first Father's Day as a Daddy! It was really fun to plan and celebrate with him. Cale bought him a grill a couple of weeks ago (so B could pick it out), but of course we had a gift for him to open today. I was able to order him a
photobook through
Shutterfly that was full of pictures of he and Cale.
*I also did a little cooking :) Yesterday while Bryan was gone playing football, I baked him a cake - chocolate
bundt cake (his favorite). Then this morning I cooked his special order breakfast - bacon, grits, and eggs! It was
yummo :)
*Then it was off to church....where we had nursery! I heard it was a great message though!
*For lunch we went to the Libby's to eat with the family. Then came home and took a nap (since Cale got us up at 6:00 this morning!!!).
All-in-all a bittersweet day. I miss my Daddy dearly, but am very
grateful to be surrounded by people I love and that love me!